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Luz Santana

Right Question Institute
Greater Boston Area
Luz Santana, Co-Director of the Right Question Institute (RQI), an organization that advances a strategy for teaching all people, no matter their level of education or income, how to ask better questions and participate more effectively in decisions. In her capacity as Co-Director, Luz helped develop the concept of Microdemocracy – the idea that low-income people can begin to participate in democracy in their ordinary encounters with public and publicly-funded institutions. She is the co-author of Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions, published by Harvard Education Press in 2011. Luz has a B.A and M.A. from the Springfield College School of Human Services and was chosen as a Community Fellow at M.I.T. Luz is dedicated to finding the simplest ways to make it possible for all people to learn how to think and act more effectively on their own behalf. Her work is informed not only by her personal experience as a former welfare recipient, but also by lessons from people with whom RQI has worked all over the country and beyond for the past twenty years.